Friday, December 31, 2010

"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away"~Eudora Welty

     This year, I am going to be able stop the moments from running away and better remember the beautiful moments in my life that are coming in the year 2011 through photography.  This next year of my life will be a year full of new adventures with high school coming to an end and beginning my college journey next fall.  
    This year I am going to do Project 365/Project Life. EVERYDAY I am going to take a picture of something special that happened that day or take a picture that represents something that has a significant impact on my life.  By doing this project, I feel like I will be better able to remember and treasure this year.  I recommend you check out Becky Higgins website, the lady who created this amazing idea. Maybe you want to stop those moments and remember both the everyday and special events in your own life this year. 



  1. Yay!! Hopefully having other bloggers doing Project 365 will keep me motivated :)

  2. I just got this for Christmas, and I cannot wait to get into it! I'm already finished yesterday and today, and I'm hoping I can stay on the ball and not get behind as the year goes on! I'm so excited!

  3. Sounds like you are off to a great start! Yeah, I am hoping I will be able to stay on the project as well! I just checked out your blog and I loved it Laura! Its adorable :)
