Friday, December 31, 2010

"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away"~Eudora Welty

     This year, I am going to be able stop the moments from running away and better remember the beautiful moments in my life that are coming in the year 2011 through photography.  This next year of my life will be a year full of new adventures with high school coming to an end and beginning my college journey next fall.  
    This year I am going to do Project 365/Project Life. EVERYDAY I am going to take a picture of something special that happened that day or take a picture that represents something that has a significant impact on my life.  By doing this project, I feel like I will be better able to remember and treasure this year.  I recommend you check out Becky Higgins website, the lady who created this amazing idea. Maybe you want to stop those moments and remember both the everyday and special events in your own life this year. 


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas: Not just a holiday...but a spirit

Every time I watch this video, I am brought to tears.  This is an amazing story that you have to watch! Its about a little boy named Dax Locke who just after his first birthday was diagnosed  with leukemia.  The doctors told his family that he would most likely not make it until the Christmas holiday.  But Christmas came early this year!

To celebrate Dax, the Locke family wants to run St. Jude for one day in memory of this inspirational little boy who made such an impact on his community in his short life.  To run St. Jude for one day it costs $1.6 million dollars.  Go to  to see the progress in the Locke family's journey of fulfilling this dream to run St. Jude for Dax! 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

TRUST: to rely upon or place confidence in

America's Favorite President, Abraham Lincoln once said,"What I did, I did after very full deliberation, and under a heavy and solemn sense of responsibility. I can only trust in God that I have made no mistakes..."
Lincoln was the leader when our nation was divided among itself.  He was carrying stress from the responsibility of uniting our great nation back together again.  Lincoln was striving to make all the right choices that were best for America.  He was making his decisions with careful consideration.  Lincoln was a great man of faith who foundation during these difficult decisions was based upon God.  

Lincoln said "we can press on, guided by the best light He gives us, trusting that in His good time and wise way all will yet be well."  I needed to read these quotes today.  Daily, everyone is faced with hundreds of important decisions a day. Some decisions may be as simple as what outfit am I going to wear today or how should I do my hair.  Whereas other decisions we can face can completely change our lives forever.  It is so important to remember that if we have made a decision and have thought about, prayed about it, and fell that God is leading us to a certain direction than we need to trust Him.  Placing our trust means putting our confidence in and relying in that the choice that we made is right.  

For me, I need to do that.   Through the choices I make, if they are done to serve Him and bring me closer to Him, then they are the right choices.  Even if my life is not going the way I would plan it to be, I need to remember that God holds my life in His hands and everything is in control.  Because the best life that I could ever write for myself or imagine is nothing compared to what He has in store for me :)

1 Corinthians 2:9-"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"

So remember in your decisions you make to "trust in the Lord with ALL YOUR HEART, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight."  

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Trying to make the first post interesting...

Hello everyone! So I was trying to think of something interesting to write about for my first blog post ever. I know a lot of pressure, right? haha. So I thought about it and decided to write about a couple of random interesting things that you may not know about me.  Well, they are not extremely interesting or anything but they were the best I could come up with.  :)

     1. When I was 7 years old I broke my arm during a bike
     accident.  Okay, I know that doesn't sound that interest...But
     around two weeks later, I fell out of a hammock and broke
     that same arm in a different place WHILE it was in its cast. To
     say the least...that summer was not very fun.

     2.  If you looked in my ear, you would see a rather large hole
     through my ear drum. When I was little I used to get ear infections
     all the time. Finally, my eardrum got tired and ruptured and
     crumbled. Now, whenever I go swimming, I have to wear these
     professionally made earplugs and I can't hear anything when I wear

     3.  Another thing that I think is kind of interesting that I am
     related to a famous American bank robber John Dillinger. He was
     the cousin of my dad's grandpa. The only other famous ancestors I
     know that I am related to our Adam, Eve, and Noah, but that is not
     interesting, because everyone can say that. But not everyone can
     say they are related to  someone who robed over 2 dozen banks!

     4. My sister Hannah was born on May 24.  I was born later on
     November 24, which was her half-birthday.  So I get to say that
     we are EXACTLY 7.5 years apart!

     5. The last thing I chose to write about is the most recent.
     Recently, I celebrated my 18th birthday and got to be on a
     trivia segment of the. Today Show.  I answered the question
     right and won $100 dollars. We recorded it and it was so much
     fun to watch!  We also went to the Today outdoor concert that
     featured Kings of Lion and were on TV in the crowd holding the
     sign we made.

Well, here is my first post. Hopefully, soon there will be new and improved posts that I add to this one.   I added a hyperlink to the video and posted a picture from my birthday at the Today Show.  Thanks for reading! :)